Page 4 - HFA_Dateline_2017_Q2_Summer
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Dear Community Members,                                                And speaking of back-to-school, Alexandra begins a Master’s
                                                                       in Social Work program this fall at Columbia University and we
A s we enjoy the last few weeks of summer warmth before                all wish her the best of luck in her studies!
      the chill of autumn creeps in, a new school year is upon
us! The back-to-school season is always filled with many con-          It’s a busy time for us at HFA, and you’ll find Dateline burst-
flicting emotions, as we work to get the kids into a consistent,       ing at the seams with updates on programs and initiatives that
daily routine. For many parents, especially those with children        impact our community. The National AIDS Memorial Grove’s
attending school for the first time, early autumn can be espe-         dedication of the Hemophilia Memorial signifies a turning
cially stressful. Fortunately, strategies and plans abound here        point for our community. We have, for the first time, a public
at HFA! I’m delighted to be able to share a useful tool, created       memorial where family members who lost loved ones to HIV/
by HFA Programs team member Carrie Koenig, that will help              AIDS can go for remembering and healing. In this issue, Mir-
identify which type of strategy would best meet your child’s           iam Goldstein, a member of our Outreach team, provides an
needs at school.                                                       overview of HR 2077, a piece of federal legislation addressing
                                                                       the practice of step-therapy. We hope you’ll contact your rep-
Beyond the flow chart you’ll find in this issue of Dateline, the       resentatives to encourage their support of this legislation. Also
HFA website is packed with resources I hope you and your               in this edition, I’m thrilled to see the addition of our Sangre
family will find useful. Our Back-to-School Toolkit includes a         Latina section, published entirely in Spanish!
customizable PowerPoint for you to use as a teaching tool for
your child’s school staff, along with a number of forms avail-         You’ll read about the great work the Virginia Hemophilia Foun-
able for download. A Guide to Students with Bleeding Disor-            dation is doing, as we provide an Executive Director spotlight
ders can serve as a starting point for discussions with school         on Kelly Waters. And Jill Packard, Executive Director of the
staff about how best to address the unique healthcare needs of         Hemophilia Alliance of Maine, offers a piece on the challenges
your student. My Bleeding Disorder is a handy two-page docu-           of living rurally with a bleeding disorder. Having the support
ment that provides the basics about bleeding disorders and is          of Member Organizations like these in initiatives and projects
specific to your child. Experienced parents give this form to          such as Dateline strengthens our community.
their child’s primary teacher each year to keep in the classroom
so that it’s readily available to both the teacher and any sub-        I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I have. I continue to be
stitute teachers the child may have in the course of a school          inspired by the great work of our community, and the passion
year. It’s also a helpful document to provide to coaches, scout        and vigor that everyone invests into the work we do.
leaders, or anyone who has significant contact with your child
in the school setting.                                                 Warm regards,

Student resources on the HFA website aren’t just for K-12,             Tracy Cleghorn
either. For college students and their parents, I’d recommend          Board Chair
the Been There, Done That: Tips from the College Bound
                                                                          Connect with us
                             Students and Moms, which provides             on social media
                               much insight into the experience of
                                 college students and parents alike.         for daily posts
                                                                                and updates
                                   In this issue I’m delighted to see          about what’s
                                   Alexandra Abreu Boria share her                 happening
                                    personal experience in the piece                    at HFA.
                                    titled Storytelling for Advocacy.

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