Page 3 - HFA Dateline 2019-2020 Special Issue
P. 3



             15  Current Products on the Market
             37  Emerging Therapies


             4  Clinical Studies
                 Gain a better understanding of what it takes to participate
                 in a clinical study. Learn the two different types of studies,   4
                 how the studies are conducted and the five phases of a
                 clinical trial.

             6  A Look at the Drug Approval Process                          28
                 Have you ever wondered what it takes for manufacturers
                 to bring a new drug to the consumer? We have broken it
                 down in an easy-to-understand format.

             8  A Look at the Drug Recall Process
                 Once a drug goes on the market, the FDA’s job does not
                 end there. Manufacturers and the FDA continue to monitor
                 the safety of drugs while on the market. Learn what
                 happens if a drug is recalled.

             10  Changes in the Market
                 A lot has changed with products used to treat bleeding
                 disorders. Take a look at changes in the market since 2018   32
                 and see a list of the current products on the market.

             28   Cell Therapy in Hemophilia:
                 Past, Present and Future
                 Guest authors take a look at the history of cell therapy
                 and what is expected in the future.

             33   How FDA is Putting the Patient Voice at the
                 Forefront of Gene Therapy Clinical Trials for
                 Guest authors share how the patient experience is
                 used in understanding clinical trials.

             52  Informed Consent
                 Learn about informed consent and your rights as a
                 patient when participating in research.

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