Infusing Love: The Gasp Factor

Infusing Love: A Mom's View
We are doing it.
We are signing our son with severe hemophilia up for basketball. So why do I feel so weird about it? We have full support from our HTC for him to play and for letting him be overall active.
Mom Blog_Jen Loving
We are a huge sports family; we especially love basketball. Our older girls have played since they were little. We sign them up without a thought every year. However, with Jackson, it’s taking a lot more thought.  My husband and I have implemented a “you can do anything” motto in our house when it comes to hemophilia and the other chronic illness my girls deal with. When I say these words I mean them, but I’d be lying if I told you my heart wasn’t racing just thinking about Jackson playing ball. He is super excited about playing. He has been practicing outside with his sisters and making shots! But then I remember how many fingers my eldest jammed playing ball, how many ankles were twisted, wrapped up, and braced for my middle daughter playing ball. However, these injuries will eventually heal, and with some factor on board, a person with hemophilia will eventually heal, too. 
Mom Blog_ Jen Loving Basketball
I think I’m feeling this way because this will be Jackson’s first organized sport. He is five years old. How physical can it be? Well, he’s a BOY…it WILL be physical. It’s the sam
e kind of anxiety I had when he started crawling and walking. It’s the unknown. It’s the gasp factor. But in the end he crawled. He walked. Each came with a few bumps and bruises along the way, but he ultimately mastered those tasks.
Now he’s about to tackle playing basketball. He won’t know my fears, my worries, my anxiety. What he will know is having a fun time. He is doing what he has grown up watching his sisters do.
Will he have bleeds? Yes, most likely. Will he need extra infusions? Probably. But in the end, he will be living and experiencing activities he wants to try. So we will sign him up and I’ll gulp down the fears, knowing that I’m letting him be a kid who just happens to have hemophilia.
Jen lives in Ohio with her husband, Joe, and their three children: Evelyn (21), Nora (14), and Jackson (7).

*Note: “Infusing Love: A Mom’s View,” is a blog collection of personal opinions and a representation of individuals experiences. While extensive efforts are made to ensure accuracy of the content, the blog entries do not represent HFA or its Board of Directors. The blog is also not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or its Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers.

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