Infusing Love: He's Just a Normal Kid

Infusing Love: A Mom's View
Our family had an eventful October. Along with multiple bleeds, (an unexplained forearm bleed and a couple of recurring ankle bleeds) we experienced our first ER visit for stitches.
During a typical Friday afternoon. I was at work when I answered the phone to hear the voice of our wonderful school Health Aide — not an uncommon occurrence when you have multiple children with different chronic conditions. We are on a first name basis and have each other on speed dial. I probably talk more with her than all the teachers combined!
She calmly stated that she had Jackson in the office and he had an injury that will most likely require stitches. I thought to myself, “She must be overreacting…stitches, really? What on earth did he do?!” She went on to explain that he had a cut right above his eye and was going to need stitches. I hung up the phone, gathered my things and ran out of work. Thankfully, I only work 10 minutes from school.  Mom's Blog_Jen
When I walked into the nurse’s office I saw Jackson lying down on the bed with an ice pack over his eye. No tears; just a little concerned look on his face. The teacher explained that she had all the kids stand up from their chairs and do a stretching exercise; which they did, and my son–the bleeder–ended up whacking his head on the school table. Oddly enough, he wasn’t covered in blood like I envisioned him might be; must have been the copious amount of factor that was on board from his previous bleeds and the regime we were following.
We headed on down to Children’s Hospital with a call in to our HTC nurse to make them aware of what happened and to expect our visit. Once we arrived I got out our “Hemophilia Fast Pass” and they showed us to a room immediately. The whole visit was a fairly simple process; shockingly. Jackson was looked at, numbing cream applied, factor given and stitches sewn.
The most amazing aspect (besides the smooth ER visit) was the school staff. That was the first major external bleed and the staff didn’t overreact. They were able to calm Jackson down, assess the situation, notify me and apply pressure without freaking out. They may have been worried, but they sure did mask it well! I believe that the way they handled this situation, enables Jackson to be a normal kid despite having a bleeding disorder.
Jen lives in Ohio with her husband, Joe, and their three children: Evelyn (21), Nora (14), and Jackson (7).
*Note: “Infusing Love: A Mom’s View,” is a blog collection of personal opinions and a representation of individuals experiences. While extensive efforts are made to ensure accuracy of the content, the blog entries do not represent HFA or its Board of Directors. The blog is also not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or its Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers.

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