Infusing Love: As He Climbs On the Bus

Infusing Love: A Mom's View - A blog dedicated to mothers of children with bleeding disorders.
By now, for most of us another school year has come to an end. For me this usually means complete and utter joy! No more homework, no more early wakes up to catch the bus, no more worrying about clean PE uniforms, and the list goes on and on. Nicholas just finished the 8th grade. I simply could not piece enough words together to tell you the extent to which I loathed middle school. So given the fact that we are done with middle school and the list of “no mores,” you would think I would be beyond overjoyed.
However, I can’t help but be a little sad, nervous, worried. The end of middle school means the beginning of high school. I might need the whole summer to prepare me for this. This is my “baby” we’re talking about…Going into high school!!!
Honestly I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this independence that comes with going to high school. Our job and goal is to raise our children to be independent. So why does it terrify me that he’s going to be independent? I swear it was just last week that I was putting him on the bus to kindergarten. This can’t be happening so fast.
Not to mention the whole new set of new teachers, a new school nurse, and an entirely new school I’ll have to navigate. This parenting gig is truly not for the faint of heart.
I have had a little bit of an introduction to high school. Nick was able to play for the Junior Varsity high school baseball team this year. There were a few occasions that I had to drop him off at the high school to catch the bus to an away game. One day as I was dropping him off, I saw the rest of the team boarding the bus. I looked up and saw all these “boys” getting on the bus except, they really weren’t “boys” but young men. It really took my breath away when I realized that although Nick hadn’t made it to the bus yet and therefore wasn’t in that group – he looked just like them.
nick_first_day_kindergartenDuring moments like this when I really want to cry about the fact that he’s now 3 inches taller than me and doesn’t want to curl up in my lap anymore – I remind myself what a wonderful young man he’s becoming. I remember when he was a baby/toddler, every new stage seemed better than the last. Some of the recent teenager stages I could do without but for the most part it’s still true – each new thing is better than the last.
I am so proud seeing him get on that school bus with all his teammates – laughing and having fun. So proud that regardless of the fact that his blood doesn’t clot – he has no fear and absolutely refuses to move out of the way of that curve ball coming in that’s not curving!
I’m optimistic that the new experience of high school will be better than the last. Even though the thought of him driving and dating and going to the prom and graduating makes me want to curl up in the corner and cry – I really could not be any more proud.
Happy Summer to you all!!!
Tracy, her husband, Lance, and son, Nick, (13-years-old) live in Virginia.
*Note: “Infusing Love: A Mom’s View,” is a blog collection of personal opinions and a representation of individuals experiences. While extensive efforts are made to ensure accuracy of the content, the blog entries do not represent HFA or its Board of Directors. The blog is also not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or its Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers. 

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