Page 14 - HFA Annual Report 2014
P. 14

When a child is diagnosed with a bleeding disorder, a good start is essential. Rarely are new parents fully equipped
for the task of raising a child with a bleeding disorder. Addressing the disorder, managing stress and identifying
a solid network of support are the essential building blocks for healthy parenting. Our Families Program supports
parents by providing peer networks and educational resources to equip their parenting toolbox. HFA also offers a
robust library of community stories that help to build a parent’s confidence in knowing they are not alone in raising
a child.

“ If I could give advice to other families, it would be not

to treat your child any different from other kids. They are
‘normal.’ We are ‘normal.’ We can do the same things as

everyone else – we just have a slightly different

approach.” – Mickey Price, member of Dads in Action

P art of our Families Program,

Dads in Action delivered 34
local, state-based meetings and
connected more than 500 dads
and 250 kids across the country last year. HFA developed
and deployed four education learning modules. In honor of
Father’s Day, HFA released a beautiful hard-cover
book dedicated to all dads in the bleeding disorders
community. The book is a collection of essays from
14 dads of children with bleeding disorders, telling
their stories with humor and love. Each dad who
registers in the Dads in Action program receives
one of these heartfelt books.
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