Page 10 - HFA Dateline 2016 Q4 Winter
P. 10

Health Policy, Post-Election

        By Katie Verb, JD; Miriam Goldstein, JD; Deema Tarazi, JD

          n the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, we are in   ACA’s Medicaid expansion could endanger coverage for mil-
        Ia time of substantial uncertainty about the future of the US   lions of Medicaid recipients—and at the same time drastically,
        health care system. While we can’t predict the future, it’s safe to   and negatively, impact state budgets.
        say that many of the proposed changes will be challenging for   Medicare
        people with chronic conditions. The Affordable Care Act (ACA)
        contained many provisions that have become vital to those with   Speaker Ryan and House Budget Committee Chairman/
        bleeding disorders, including guaranteed access and issue, the   Health and Human Services (HHS) nominee, Tom Price, have
        elimination of lifetime caps, and extended coverage for young   also  announced  plans  to  fast-track,  via  budget  legislation,  a
        adults. In the coming months, it is vital for our community to   far-reaching overhaul of the Medicare program. This would,
        stay informed and at the ready to take action when necessary.  among other things, raise the age of eligibility for future Medi-
                                                                care beneficiaries from 65 to 67 and replace the current Medi-
        Repeal and Replace                                      care program with a premium support or “voucher” plan under

        President-elect Trump campaigned on a promise to “repeal   which seniors would get a fixed sum to buy healthcare cover-
        and replace” the Affordable Care Act (ACA), but we have no   age on the private insurance market.
        way of knowing how far and how fast the incoming administra-  Our greatest concern is that all of these proposals—insurance
        tion and Congress will move toward that goal. Recently, Speak-  reform repeal, Medicaid funding changes, Medicare over-
        er Paul Ryan suggested that the transition could take longer   haul—would weigh heaviest on the people who most need good
        than expected in order to ensure that those who rely on the   healthcare coverage, including those with high-cost chronic
        ACA are not left without coverage. The Trump transition team   disorders. Check out the Transition Tracker on our website,
        has issued one page of talking points affirming its intention, to stay informed of potential changes.
        to repeal and replace ACA. The “replacement” policies listed   n n
        in that document (Health Savings Accounts, insurance sales
        across state lines, and high risk pools for high-cost individuals)
        would not come close to providing the same level of coverage              CYRIL
        to the same number of people as does the ACA. Congressional
        Republicans have proposed multiple “replacement” proposals       HOME CARE
        but many of them appear less comprehensive in scope than
        the ACA, and legislators have failed to coalesce around any
        one of them. While President-elect Trump and Speaker Ryan         PHARMACY
        have expressed  general support for keeping specific  ACA
        patient protections (a ban on coverage exclusions for
        pre-existing conditions and allowing children up to age 26    We only have one
        to stay on their parents’ insurance), it is not clear how effective    motto and mission.
        those protections would be if separated out from the broader   We would like for you to be
        ACA framework, or if they remain in some form, how much     able to look back and say:
        insurers might charge for those protections.                “ My life with
        Medicaid                                                    hemophilia is better

        The President-elect and Congressional Republicans have      today than it was
        also committed to “block-grant” or cap federal funding for    before we ever met. ”
        Medicaid. It is unclear at the moment whether they will also   John and Carol Reed             John Reed DPh
        seek  an  outright  rollback  of  the  ACA’s  Medicaid  expansion.
        Vice President-elect Mike Pence has suggested that, in lieu
        of repeal, the Trump Administration might instead grant     118 E. Missouri Ave. • PO Box 676 • Cyril, OK 73029
        states additional leeway to modify their expanded Medicaid      Toll Free: 888.258.2453 • Fax: 877.464.3108
        programs. Both the block-grant proposal and repeal of the •

        10      Dateline Federation | Winter 2016
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