Page 9 - HFA_Dateline_2017_Q2_Fall_Special_Edition
P. 9

Current Products on the Market

W ith 48 products approved by the Food                  This list displays the following information for each
          and Drug Administration (FDA) and             product:
available on the market, people living with a
bleeding disorder have access to more treat-            • Manufacturer – Company that produces and sells the therapy.
ments than ever before. Sifting through the
many information sources to learn about these           • Product – Name used to market and sell the therapy.
products can be a challenge for any patient or
caregiver no matter their comfort level navigat-        • Type – Indicated method used to create product (Plasma-derived, made
ing the industry. To help with this process, we’ve       from human blood, or recombinant factor concentrates, made from other
compiled a comprehensive list of all bleeding            sources).
disorder therapies on the market.
                                                        • Half Life – Amount of time a product stays intact in the bloodstream until
                                                         its efficacy is halved.

                                                        • Indications – Bleeding disorder type/factor deficiency the therapy is
                                                         intended to treat.

                                                        We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this list

                                                        by using information directly from manufacturers and accessing publicly-

              SShhiirree 1199%%  Pfizer                 available information from websites, like the FDA’s. HFA does not encour-
        CCSSLL                    1P0f%izer               age community members to use one product over another, and strong-
   BBeehhrirningg221%1%               11%                  ly urges you discuss your treatment options with qualified medical
                                         Novo                professionals. n n
                                    Nordisk 10%
                                         Novo            Octapharma 6%MSMShahaararkrkreeeetotobfbfyPyPrMrMooadadnunuucucftfatsasccototununrreerr


                                                        OFcetrarpinhgarPmhaar6m%aceuticals 6%

                                                        FBearryinegr 4P%harmaceuticals 6%

                                                        BBaiyoevre4ra%tiv 4%


                                                        AAkpotrenv2o%Therapeutics 2%

                                                        ABpitoevPoroTdhuecrtaspLeaubtiocrsa2to%ry 2%

                                                        BGioenPerondteucchts2L%aboratory 2%


          VIII               5                                                                                                20
            IX  3
        vWD                                             9 Number of Products per
   Inhibitor                                                        Bleeding Disorder Indication

                0 5 10 15 20

The content in this issue is current as of its publishing date, November 2017. Given the fast-paced environment that manufactures and govern-
mental agencies work within, some information could have changed since going to print. Please refer to manufacturers’ or the FDA’s websites
for the most up-to-date information.

No information in this issue of Dateline should be interpreted as medical advice. HFA encourages frequent dialogue with experienced healthcare

professionals regarding your health and the therapies used to treat your bleeding disorder.

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