Page 16 - HFA_Dateline_2018_Q2_Summer
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LOUD &                                                                                   Advocacy is not only
                                                                                 confined to the borders of
                                                                                   the District of Columbia.
Patient advocates hit The Hill to share their story
By Sonji Wilkes, staff writer                                                        Share your story with your
                                                                               legislators through HFA’s NEW

                                                                                   Legislative Action Center at

                                                                                  advocacy/ at any time. With
                                                                                    your help, the voices of the
                                                                                                 bleeding disorders
                                                                                        community voice can be
                                                                                                  heard year-round!

Ashley from Louisana understands that prior to the Affordable Care Act
      becoming law in 2010, many in the bleeding disorders faced obstacles in
obtaining insurance coverage for their bleeding disorder.

“I want to make sure people like my son continue to have access to quality
healthcare,” she said.

Hemophilia Federation of America invited Ashley,
along with a small group of other community
advocates, to participant in HFA’s fifth annual
Patient Fly-In in June. After an evening of
training, patients and their
families representing
10 different states
participated in 21
meetings with
congressional staff.

16	 Dateline Federation | Summer 2018
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