Page 7 - HFA_Dateline_2020_Q4_Winter
P. 7


  I stopped because I was tired in                                    others will consider training and joining him on the trails, either in
 front of a lady’s house. She asked                                   person or virtually.
why I biked so much with my mom
 and I told her about having vWD.                                     “It took us a week and we barely made it,” he said. “I don’t know how
Luckily I was wearing my HFA shirt                                    the rest of the team does this in three days.”
and she gave me $20 for the cause!
                                                                      Another great aspect of the virtual challenge was riders could
       -TJ Murray                                                     share photos from across the nation, showing different trails and
                                                                      neighborhoods where they logged miles. Riding by the ocean was
                                                                      TJ’s favorite part of the challenge.

emergency financial assistance to the bleeding disorders
community in their time of need. Every chance a story from
Gears for Good or another Team Resilience event can be shared,
it educates people outside the community. One day while TJ and
Meagan were on their ride, he was able to provide some education
to a neighbor.

“I stopped because I was tired in front of a lady’s house. She asked
why I biked so much with my mom and I told her about having
vWD,” said TJ. “Luckily I was wearing my HFA shirt and she gave
me $20 for the cause!”

Meagan had shared with TJ that Helping Hands is HFA’s
Emergency Assistance Program. “I feel really proud I was able to
help others,” he said.

Even though riders did not get to join together in person and
create the camaraderie that typically fills the September weekend,
the 2020 riders were able to collectively raise more than $24,000
for Helping Hands.

HFA hopes to keep the virtual option available for anyone who
is unable to attend the in-person event in 2021, as being able
to experience and demonstrate the resilient behavior that one
needs to complete this type of endurance challenge is powerful
and motivating. It echoes the characteristics of those living with
bleeding disorders daily.

TJ plans to train hard to prepare for the ride next year. He hopes

Learn more about Team Resilience and future events at

                                                                      	  WINTER 2020  7
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