Page 14 - HFA Dateline 2020-2021 Special Issue
P. 14

For the treatment of bleeding episodes in people  with hemophilia A or B with inhibitors
            I’M READY TO MOVE ON

            Get rapid, predictable, and reliable

            bleed control with SEVENFACT 225                                       †

                     Rapid effect: 3 hour

                     At 3 hours, 84% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes were controlled
                     with a single dose

                     Predictable  response: 84%
                     At 9 hours, 84% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes treated achieved
                     bleed control after a single dose

                     Reliable control: 99.5%

                     At 24 hours, 99.5% of mild/moderate bleeding episodes were resolved

                     Convenient home use: 98%

                     98% of bleeding episodes were treated at home

                     †  225 mcg/kg initial dosing regimen in the clinical trial.
                     ‡  As seen in the clinical trial.

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