Page 13 - HFA Dateline 2022 Q4 Winter
P. 13

Gears for Good Cyclists Ride and Raise Money

        As part of the Gears for Good ride, participants had a   HFA would also like to provide a special thank you to
        celebratory dinner where they were presented with their   CVS, CSL Behring and Medexus for sponsoring 2022’s
        Gears for Good jerseys. The next day, they rode from    Team Resilience program. The ride would not have been
        Harpers Ferry to DC.                                    possible without their help.
        The ride marked another fantastic Gears for Good event.
        Thank you to the cyclists for riding and for raising funds
        for the bleeding disorders community. The funds will
        have a major impact on some of the most vulnerable
        in the community.

                                                                                                  WINTER 2022         13
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