Page 6 - HFA Dateline 2022 Q4 Winter
P. 6

Yes, I will contribute:       $500      $250      $100      $50      $25

                Other  $___________________

                Please make checks payable to: Hemophilia Federation of America

                Please charge my donation to my:     Visa     MC     AMEX

            Credit Card Number __________________________________________________________________

            Exp (MONTH/YEAR) _____________       Sec.#______

            Cardholder’s name (AS IT APPEARS ON CARD)


            If using a credit card, please provide the billing address

            Address         _______________________________________________________________________


            City/State/Zip  _______________________________________________________________________

            Employer _______________________________       Occupation _______________________________
                                                                                                                        Please tear out this sheet to complete and return.
            Phone ____________________       Email __________________________________________________

            Please mail this form to:
            Hemophilia Federation of America
            999 N. Capitol Street NE
            Suite 301
            Washington, DC 20002

            or contribute online at

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