Page 29 - HFA Dateline 2022 Special Edition
P. 29


                   How to Navigate Our

                               Product Charts

        The pages that follow contain a comprehensive and exhaustive list of products that are approved by the Food and Drug
        Administration for treatment of a bleeding disorder. For ease of navigation, the charts are published in sections by indication
        (Factor VIII, Factor IX, Inhibitor, VWD, Rare or Other), with each containing the following categories of information:

        Product                                                 Half-life
        Name used to market and sell the therapy.               Amount of time a product stays intact in the bloodstream
                                                                until its efficacy is halved.
        Company that produces and sells the therapy.            FDA Approved
                                                                Year the product was approved for treatment by the FDA.
        Product Type
        Indicated method used to create product.                Indications
                                                                Bleeding disorder type/factor deficiency the therapy is
        Specific Product Type                                   intended to treat.
        Detailed classification of product type, if applicable.

        We’ve made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this list by using information directly from
        manufacturers and publicly available information from websites such as the FDA’s. We do not encourage community
        members to use one product over another, and we strongly urge you to discuss your treatment options with qualified
        medical professionals.
        Content in this issue is current as of March 2022. Given the fast-paced environment that manufacturers and
        governmental agencies work within, some information could have changed since going to print. Please refer to
        manufacturers’ or the FDA’s websites for the most up-to-date information.

                                           FIND YOUR SECTION

           FACTOR VIII       FACTOR IX         INHIBITOR            VWD              OTHER              RARE

                30                34               36                38                38                40

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