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You asked, we listened

                 HFA knows how critical an early diagnosis is for treatment and
                   quality of life for women and girls with a bleeding disorder.

         That is why we created Sisterhood, a mobile app designed for women to
                    track menstrual and non-menstrual bleeds and symptoms.

         Information logged by the user is secure and accessible only to the user.
           The user can have the app email that secure information to themselves

                           to then share with their medical services provider.

                        New features include:

 Recording details on product strength. Users may now note the strength of menstrual products used
        when logging menstrual bleeding by choosing the detailed data entry in the preferences tab.
      More accurate blood loss score (PBAC score) for providers. Having more detailed information
                   allows providers to more accurately assess blood loss that assists in diagnosis.
                                       Ability to add a photo. • Spanish language option.

                  Other features of the app include:

                   Symptom logging/tracking. • The ability to record and track treatments used.
       Reminder alerts for periods and treatments. • A place to log and rate joint and/or muscle pain.

         Space to jot additional notes. • A wealth of information on bleeding disorders and a variety
                                     of topics pertaining to women and bleeding disorders.

It’s free and easy to use. Download it for FREE!
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