Page 10 - HFA_Dateline_2019_Q2_Summer
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Archive Project Will Preserve
 Bleeding Disorders History
       in National Museum

Hemophilia Federation of America believes paying                Be a Part of History
       tribute to and preserving the bleeding disorders
community’s legacy of advocacy, sacrifice and treatment         Financial Gifts
advancements is important. HFA has been preserving that
history by collecting the significant stories and artifacts     Financial gifts ensure this history is preserved into the
which best represent the community.                             future. Ways to donate:

In March, HFA made a donation of artifacts related to the          • Text HFA to 243725 to receive a link to donate.
history of bleeding disorders to the Smithsonian Institution's
National Museum of American History in Washington, D.C.            • Online at
This donation, which consisted of items generously given by
community members, is a huge step in formally preserving           • M ail a check to Hemophilia Federation of America, 999
the history of the bleeding disorders community for future           North Capitol Street NE Suite 201, Washington, D.C.
generations.                                                         20002

                                                                Submit Artifacts

                                                                HFA has collected documents, articles and artifacts, but is
                                                                aware there may be more memorabilia stashed in attics all
                                                                across the country! We are looking for community members
                                                                and organizations willing to share and work with HFA to
                                                                preserve a comprehensive record of the community’s history.
                                                                This could include personal items, newspaper articles, key
                                                                documents, newsletters, posters from advocacy rallies or
                                                                other artifacts that tell the story of endurance and resilience.

                                                                Submit a photo of something that could be added to the HFA

                                                                or Smithsonian collection at S

    Visit to learn more!

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