Page 8 - HFA_Dateline_2019_Q2_Summer
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+                          ADVOCACY PROFILE
Celebrating Successes
A look at recent, state-level advocacy work

Advocacy work at the state level is ever-increasing in importance, as local legislatures are addressing health care issues.
       With the 2019 legislative season winding down more across the country, we turned to advocates from across the country
to ask why participating in state advocacy days is important and about the successes achieved by the hard work of individuals
and member organizations.


                                                                      “We have worked with Representative Tom Oliverson over the last 2 years,
                                                                      and he has become a strong supporter of our community as we have
                                                    talked about issues that affect our community. In 2017, he came to our state conference
                                                    and talked to attendees about the importance of telling our story so it is more than just
                                                    an issue — there is a face to the story when it is discussed in the legislature. This year,
                                                    Representative Oliverson introduced a bill in the Texas House recognizing March as
                                                    Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in perpetuity in Texas, which passed!”

                                                        ~Heidi, Texas

                                                           Heidi, pictured with Representative Oliverson, and Lone Star Chapter of the National Hemophilia
                                                           Foundation Executive Director, Melissa Compton.

                                  South Carolina

                                                                      “Attending our state advocacy days is important so local legislators can
                                                                      see, meet, and hear the stories of their bleeding disorders community.
                                                    Approaching our state lawmakers to build relationships and share our concerns
                                                    with current healthcare issues is the most direct way to have our voice heard. The
                                                    highlight of the day for me was right before our Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette made the state
                                                    proclamation for March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month, she mentioned, “I’ve
                                                    seen you all around the state house today.” At that moment, I realized, we have really
                                                    made an impact. If our state leadership didn’t know about bleeding disorders before
                                                    that, they do now.”

                                                        ~Aaron, South Carolina
                                                           SC state Representative Ivory Thigpen, with Aaron and his son, Logan

                                  South Carolina

                                                                      “Asking for a proclamation is a great way to be able to reach out and
                                                                      connect with your local county or city representative. I think that we are
                                                    all wired to help each other out and to feel good when we do, so asking them for this is
                                                    an easy way to create a win-win for everybody.”

                                                        ~Amy, South Carolina

                                                           Amy, with her husband Ken at the ceremony proclaiming March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness
                                                           month in her county.

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