Page 4 - HFA_Dateline_2019_Q2_Summer
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                                            Pilot Program Aims to Improve
                                            Infusion Tracking

                                                                 The National Hemophilia Foundation has announced a two-year pilot program
                                                                 aimed at improving the efficacy of patient infusion logs and reporting through
                                                                 a partnership with Audaire Health Inc., specialty pharmacies and hemophilia
                                                                 treatment centers.
                                                                 Audaire Health is providing an easy-to-use data tracking tool that can instantly
                                                                 record infusions, bleeds and other adverse effects to the patient’s care team
                                                                 and specialty pharmacy. NHF hopes the program will show the benefit of not
                                                                 only patient adherence, but the cost savings associated with an integrated data
                                                                 system that operates at multiple touchpoints along the patient’s care. NHF will
                                                                 present initial findings of the program this fall.

                                            TV Series Addresses Tainted Blood Scandal

                                                                 The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation launched "Unspeakable," a TV series
                                                                 which tells the true story through the eyes of two families caught in the
                                                                 tainted blood scandal of the 1980s. The series follows an incredible, decades-
                                                                 long saga with people struggling to survive, find compensation and deal with
                                                                 "Unspeakable" is based on emotionally-charged personal accounts as well as
                                                                 Andre Picard’s “Gift of Death: Confronting Canada’s Tainted Blood Tragedy,”
                                                                 Vic Parson’s "Bad Blood: The Tragedy of the Canadian Tainted Blood Scandal,"
                                                                 and the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Canadian Blood Tragedy lead by
                                                                 Justice Horace Krever.
                                                                 Binge watch the eight-part drama at
                                                                 unspeakable or

                                            It’s Time for Summer Sports

                                                                 Baseball, softball, soccer, golf, swimming. It's the time of year when summer
                                                                 sports are in full swing! Our Sports Toolkit has great tips for making it through
                                                                 the season, including a printable card to provide valuable bleeding disorders
                                                                 information about a child for their coach. Check out

                                            Back to School Toolkit

                                                                 While school is over in most parts of the country, it’s never too late to prepare
                                                                 for going back to school in the fall. Our Back to School Toolkit features tools
                                                                 intended to help educate the educators and relieve some stress in sending a

                                                    child back to school. Check out S

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