Page 7 - HFA_Dateline_2020_Q1_Spring
P. 7

Our raffles have been getting better every year, as    Largest Amount Raised to Date
I find more new companies to help and returning
companies donate more. This year was amazing with      My hope was that we would be able to beat 2019’s fundraising record
15 raffle items, some of which were big ticket items   of $1,625.
and designed to catch the eye of dedicated gamers.
                                                       “I checked it myself, Shawn,” said Whit, the store owner. “You made
One company that got all the gamers excited was        $3,498!” To make it an even number, Steff, the shift manager, pulled
D&D Beyond, which is the company with the official     two $1 bills from her pocket for a total of $3,500.
online copies of all the current editions of Dungeons
and Dragons books and adventures. They donated         The fact that so many people, who don’t really know anything about
three of their Legendary Bundles, valued at more       HFA or hemophilia, other than what I have told them, are willing
than $600 each, which include every book and           to help me raise this much is humbling. As we are living in very
adventure put out by the Dungeons and Dragons          uncertain times, it is very much needed.
parent company.
                                                       While many people see Dungeons and Dragons as “just a game,” I see
                                                       it as a way to bring the heroes on the table into the real world. Every
                                                       one of the people who played this year, or took a chance on a raffle, is

                                                       just as brave and heroic as the characters in the game. S

                                                 Thank you to the participants and
                                                 donors to Delves for Donors!

                                                                                Thank you to the following companies for donating
                                                                                items to the fundraising event:

                                               B D&D Beyond (
                                               DSkullSplitter Dice
                                               B PolyHero Dice
                                               D WizKids
                                               B The Deck of Many
                                               D Arcknight
                                               B Chaosium Inc.
                                               DGateKeeper Games
                                               DFowers Games
                                               B Leigh Armentrout Crafts
                                               DMakeMeMine of Abingdon, Md.

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