Page 5 - HFA Dateline 2021 Q3 Fall
P. 5

Hemophilia Association of New York Inc.

        The Hemophilia Association of New York (HANY) Inc. will
        celebrate its 70th birthday in 2022, serving thousands of
        people with bleeding disorders over the years. When the
        pandemic hit in 2020, the organization knew it had to step
        up to provide financial assistance to struggling families. In
        the first year of the pandemic, HANY distributed $40,000 in

        “Most of our clients are introduced to us through referrals
        of the social workers of the hemophilia treatment centers
        (HTCs),” Executive Director Linda Mugford said. “Our client
        support services are very robust, even during the COVID-19
        pandemic. I like to say that HANY rarely says ‘no’ to a request
        for help.”

        HANY’s assistance program continues, providing support for
        MedicAlert IDs, transportation for camp and medical visits,
        co-pays and deductibles, and other
        things deemed necessary for a client’s
        well-being. HANY also has a scholarship         HEMOPHILIA
        program,  awarding  $55,500  in  2021        ASSOCIATION OF
        to clients enrolled full time in a college   NEW YORK INC. FACTS
        or  university.  Furthermore,  since  1965
        HANY has given more than $25 million to         Started in 1952
        support bleeding disorders research.
                                                   Serves the 14 downstate
        “Our longevity makes HANY unique,            counties of New York
        along with our focused vision of making
        the lives of those with bleeding disorders    750 people served
        easier  to  manage,”  Mugford  said.  “We
        are honored to work closely with the five   Most successful program:
        New York downstate HTCs.”                    The annual Steven L
                                                        Margolies, MD,
        Mugford also wanted to acknowledge          Educational Conference
        Tyshawn Constantine, HANY associate
                      director, who implements
                          the organization’s ideas and oversees
                             the various programs and requests.
                              When asked for advice for other
                               organizations to achieve such
                                success.    Mugford     quoted
                                Constantine, who likes to say:
                                “Let’s focus on what we do; make
                                it better—it’s quality, not quantity.”

                              “As tempting as it is to start doing
                             many and various programs,” Mugford
                          said, “you must be thoughtful of the
                      needs of the community and their time. If you
        develop something that works, make it better.”                                                FALL 2021         5
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