Page 6 - HFA_Dateline_2019_Q3_Fall
P. 6

A Message from Outgoing President
     and CEO, Kimberly Haugstad

When I first came to Hemophilia Federation of America           I had vaguely heard of HFA as that little national organization
          in 2008, my babies were 4 and 6. I had done a little  that represented people with bleeding disorders and their
volunteering around the country and served on my local          families. At HFA, the staff and board were supposed to have
bleeding disorders board. Living the dream as a young family    huge hearts, a lot of great ideas and a desire to build. I like
with a growing consulting business, we had a fair handle on     big hearts. I like big ideas. I like to build. I quickly realized I
living with hemophilia, but we were paying $2,400 per month     liked HFA and while it was not our plan, I decided to join the
in health insurance premiums with a $9,000 deductible.          team. I knew how to run a successful business, how different
Knowing my son would get his factor made it a necessity. I      could running a nonprofit be? Not as much as you might
will never forget getting a notice that year that our monthly   think actually! What I absolutely did not imagine was that I
premiums would be increasing slightly to just over $2,800.      would find it so rewarding and grow to love our community
My husband and I realized one or both of us should find a       so much that I would stay more than a decade!
corporate job with insurance. He did. I planned to continue
consulting.                                                     I came to HFA because of my son. I did not want his
                                                                hemophilia to limit him. I stayed because of you, our bleeding
                                                                disorders community. You deserve the right to learn
                                                                everything about your disorder and the right to advocate
                                                                for yourselves and have the same opportunity as anyone
                                                                without a chronic condition. Helping you do that has been
                                                                my honor and privilege.

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