Community Member Spotlight: Shawn Nease, Organizer of Delves for Donors

For the second year in a row, Shawn Nease organized a charity game of Dungeons & Dragons, a fantasy tabletop role-playing game, to raise money for HFA’s Helping Hands Program. Delves for Donors II: Out for More Blood offered gamers in Maryland and Eastern Pennsylvania the opportunity to purchase a seat in a two-hour game held at Captain Chuck’s Comics, located in Essex, MD, northeast of Baltimore.
Participants, 25 in all, raised almost $700 during the one-day event, a remarkable achievement when compared to the 2015 event that raised just over $700 over the course of two days. The fundraising derived from the players participating in three Delves (Delves are individual mini-dungeons where the players encounter different challenges), four raffles, and a new fundraiser entitled The End Delve. You can bet that there was some significant monster-slaying going on that day-and all for a great cause!
Shawn is the father of twin 10-year-old boys with severe FVIII and inhibitors. He is an avid gamer and has been a strong advocate of the Helping Hands program. When asked about the next event he said “I’m eager to see what Delves for Donors can do to raise additional funds and encourage more people to step into a fantasy-world filled with adventure!”
