Sentirse Empoderado

Saludos a todas las madres que, como yo, tienen en su vida y en sus corazones una persona muy especial que llena sus días de felicidad.Les contaré un poquito sobre mi vida. Crecí en una familia donde la hemofilia estaba en nuestro diario vivir. Esto me hizo ver la condición como algo normal. Mi padre […]

Transitioning from Teen to Adult

 I remember when Nick was much younger, we went to a meeting and one of the sessions was on transitioning from teen to adult. I remember thinking I didn’t need/want to go to that because we were nowhere near that time. I blinked and all of a sudden, we are at that time. And I […]

Back to Reality

There are times as a hemophilia parent where hemophilia is not at the forefront of your mind. Times where you can just live and enjoy every moment without worry. It’s almost as if hemophilia is a distant memory. You run on autopilot – not thinking, just doing.  At these times hemophilia has absolutely no impact […]

Sharing Our Hemophilia

I will never compare my bleeding disorder to my son’s – I will however share it with him.It wasn’t until I had a pretty significant brain bleed that I even paid attention to the fact that I have a bleeding disorder, that wasn’t until I was in my fifties and my son was an adult. […]

Durante la Adversidad

Hola a todas las lindas mamas de este blog, mi nombre es Lupe Torres, vivo en la ciudad de Las Vegas, NV. Soy mamá de tres hermosos hijos. Tengo una hija de 23 años, un varón de 24 y mi más pequeño de 18 años. Mi hija Michelle de 23 años fue diagnosticada con VWD […]

Camp Time

Even though I have never attended camp, and had no idea what it was all about, I did not want my son, my only child, to miss out on the experience. The first time Omar attended camp; he was just 7 years old. He looked so sad and didn’t want to stay, but we all […]

Día de Acción de Gracias en mi Hogar

The English version of this Infusing Love: A Mom’s View blog can be found below.  En Puerto rico se celebra el Día de Acción de Gracias (Thanksgiving) al igual que en los Estados Unidos continentales. La verdad es que todos los días festivos federales se celebran, pero éste lo hemos “criollizado” en gran medida. Los platos […]

Seeing Life Differently

My son’s pediatric ophthalmologist tells a story about a little girl who was about 4 or 5 years old who came in for an eye appointment due to some concerns. It was determined the little girl had severe double vision. She was seeing double of almost every single object in her line of sight. The […]

When Hemophilia Makes You Feel Different

My son, Jackson, is nearing his 12th birthday. For our family, hemophilia is genetic. so Jackson has been dealing with his diagnosis since birth. We’ve been very open about his bleeding disorder since he was little; sharing and educating our family, friends and teachers. We are fortunate in that he can feel a bleed before […]

What a Decade it has Been

Wow, it’s the end of the year and the end of a decade!I am not leaving this decade the way I began. My decade began with a 7-year-old son with severe hemophilia A, who I wouldn’t allow to play recreational sports. I was pregnant with twins, one being a boy, unsure if I was having […]
