HFA Announcement to Community and Industry Partners

In response to the ever-evolving landscape and the need to adapt to new challenges, the Hemophilia Federation of America Board of Directors and staff are undertaking an organizational restructure. 

As part of this process, there will be some necessary staff adjustments, including a reduction in force. While these decisions are never easy, they are essential for the long-term sustainability and effectiveness of our organization.

To our former colleagues, we express our deepest thanks and wish them success in their future endeavors. The relationships and bonds formed during their time at HFA will always be cherished, and we are genuinely grateful for the shared journey we undertook to make a difference in our community.

Simultaneously, we want to celebrate the resilience and dedication of our current team members who continue to work tirelessly to advance our mission. In the face of change, they have displayed remarkable adaptability and an exceptional commitment to our cause.

The strength of our team lies not only in our collective achievements but also in our ability to come together during challenging times.

As we move forward with the restructured organization, we are confident that the passion and expertise of our current team will propel us to new heights and contribute meaningfully to our shared goal of serving our community.

Thank you for standing by us as we navigate these changes and work toward a future filled with renewed opportunities and positive impact.

Dan Kelsey                                        Luke Runion
CEO                                                    Board Chairman
