Have You Heard About MyPlate?

The MyPlate icon also directs individuals to a website - http://www.choosemyplate.gov - which contains resources and tools about more specific information about what and how much to eat.

Have you heard?

The Food Guide Pyramid has now become a plate!

food pyramidmyplate

In an effort to make healthier food choices easier to understand, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
has replaced the Food Guide Pyramid with a simple and familiar visual, a place setting.
MyPlate is the USDA’s primary food group symbol, a food icon that serves as a powerful reminder
to make healthy food choices and to build a healthy plate at mealtimes.  It is a visual cue that
identifies the five (5) basic food groups from which consumers can choose healthy foods to build
a healthy plate.
Three areas of key importance in the new place setting are:

  • Balancing calories

*Enjoy your food but eat less.

*Avoid over-sized portions.

  • Foods to Increase

*Make 1/2 your plate fruits and vegetables.

*Make at least 1/2 your grains whole grains.

*Switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk.

  • Foods to Reduce

*Choose foods that are lower in sodium.

*Drink water instead of sugary drinks.

*Keep these ideas in mind when grocery shopping and planning and preparing meals.
The MyPlate icon also directs individuals to a website- http://www.choosemyplate.gov -which contains resources
and tools about more specific information about what and how much to eat.  On this website,
consumers will find specific recommendations for each USDA food group, based on the 2010
Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including proportions based on research that relate to
individual calorie and nutrient needs.  At choosemyplate.gov, consumers can determine
their individual eating patterns that fit their lifestyle and food preferences.
For more information and practical tips to help you build a healthier diet visit:

Read more news.
