Dear Addy: Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month

Dear Addy,

I’m interested in getting a local resolution passed declaring and celebrating that March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month. My only question is…how exactly do I do that?

Resolved for a Resolution

Dear Resolved for a Resolution

We’re thrilled to hear that you’re interested in getting a local March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month resolution passed! You may be surprised – it’s easier than you think! Below are some tips, templates, and resources that can help you along the way.

March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month Resolution

If you’re interested in getting a March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month Resolution passed, you will need to reach out to your local city, town, and/or county representatives. Use the sample email below (in the section “Draft Email to Your Local Legislator”) as a template or write your own email to your local representatives.

Here are a few additional tips for your email:

  • Save the “Sample Proclamation/Declaration of March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month” section below as a document and attach it to your email.
  • Tell YOUR story of how bleeding disorders affect you/your family:
    • What is your condition, and how do you treat it?What is your daily life like?
    • What worries you about living with a bleeding disorder?
  • Pictures Help: A photo will bring life your story and show what everyday life is like with a bleeding disorder, so feel free to attach one to your email.

Finding your local legislators

Find your County Representatives:

Find your City/Town Representatives:

  • Reach out to your city and/or town’s mayor’s office or city council members.

HFA Member Organization

Your local HFA member organization may already be working to pass a March is Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month resolution on the state, city, or county level. Connect with your local HTC member organization to find out and see what you can do to help.

Click here to find your local HFA member organization.

Draft email to your local legislator

Subject Line: REQUEST: Declare March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month


As your constituent and a member of the bleeding disorders community, I ask for your support in declaring March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in <CITY/COUNTY/PARISH>. Please see the attached draft proclamation for your consideration.

Bleeding disorders are serious, chronic medical conditions for which there is treatment, but no cure. Uncontrolled bleeding can lead to pain, permanent damage to muscles, joints, and organs; in critical cases it can cause death. People with bleeding disorders need specialized care to be properly diagnosed and manage their disorder. Many people may not know they have a bleeding disorder, which is one of the many reasons why spreading awareness is so important.


By proclaiming March as Bleeding Disorders Month in <CITY/COUNTY/PARISH> you can help constituents like me that are patients, families, and caregivers create the public awareness and support for proper care those with bleeding disorders need and deserve.

For additional information about bleeding disorders, visit the Hemophilia Federation of America’s website ( In the meantime, please reach out if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.



Sample Proclamation/Declaration of March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month

WHEREAS, I, <NAME>, <TITLE> of <CITY/COUNTY/PARISH>, am proud to commemorate March 2022 as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month in the state of <CITY/COUNTY/PARISH>; and

WHEREAS, this designation will formalize and expand upon the designation 30 years ago of March 1986 as “Hemophilia Awareness Month” by President Ronald Reagan; and

WHEREAS, the federal Department of Health and Human Services designated March 2016 as National Bleeding Disorders Month; and

WHEREAS, 25 state and 54 local governments, in 2019, passed a proclamation/resolution declaring March as Bleeding Disorders Awareness Month; and

WHEREAS, bleeding disorder advocates, during this month, wear a red material around their neck (e.g. leis, scarves, ties); and

WHEREAS, these bleeding disorders, which share the inability to form a proper blood clot, are characterized by extended bleeding after injury, surgery, trauma or menstruation and can lead to significant morbidity and can be fatal if not treated effectively; and

WHEREAS, many individuals with hemophilia became infected with HIV and Hepatitis C in the 1980s due to the contamination of the blood supply and blood products; and

WHEREAS, this Awareness Month in <CITY/COUNTY/PARISH> will generate greater awareness and understanding of not only hemophilia but all inheritable bleeding disorders, including von Willebrand disease—which alone impacts an estimated one percent of the U.S. population or more than 3.2 million individuals; and

WHEREAS, this Awareness Month will foster a greater sense of community and shared purpose among individuals with all inheritable bleeding disorders; and

WHEREAS, this Awareness Month will elevate awareness of and engagement in the inheritable bleeding disorders journey beyond our community to the general public, enabling the prevention of illness, unnecessary procedures, and disability; now


Have Additional Questions or Need Help?

Feel free to reach out to our Public Affairs team at



Have a question? Email us. Your name will be changed in the response.

HFA frequently receives questions from the bleeding disorders community related to advocacy issues. The questions often impact the entire community. In an effort to reach the largest audience possible with our responses to these widely applicable questions, HFA developed “Dear Addy.” Questions submitted to this column are edited in order to protect privacy and should be considered educational only, not individual guidance.

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