The Power of Symposium

Attending HFA’s Symposium has always fascinated me. I have attended a few symposiums with my family: St. Louis, Cleveland, Las Vegas, and San Diego. During symposium, I networked with individuals who were in various fields: social workers, physicians, nurses, physical therapists, and patients.  Days were filled with inspirational kickoff and educational breakout sessions. There is a great variety of sessions/tracks to choose from.
My family chose to divide and attend sessions so we can maximize our learning experience. My son had the option to attend a teen track or could select another session with us. Our son learned about advocating for himself and sharing his own hemophilia story with representatives and attended sessions on prophy and independence as teen gets older. 
My husband and I attended sessions for women with a diagnosis, diversity in leadership, and more.  We always attend the Celebration of Life Ceremony. This session allows the community to reflect, honor, remember and celebrate our loved ones both living and departed.
I always leave Symposium feeling empowered, educated, and supported to better care for my son and myself. While there, I also network with many people and feel invigorated by the end of the educational programs. I take many notes during the sessions and apply it to my life. I learn the most up to date information about bleeding disorders, treatment and therapy, latest research findings, and discover important services that benefit this community. I also learn a lot from visiting the exhibit booths. I feel comfortable sharingmy ideas and experience with both parents/guardians and professionals.
I took away four key things from attending symposium:

  1. Grow within the community
  2. Access resources from the speakers
  3. Speak with others about my own bleeding disorder, in addition to my son’s
  4. Networking is important

If anyone in anyway is affected by hemophilia or any other bleeding disorder, this is where you are going to learn.  I hope
Mily lives in New Jersey with her husband, Harry, and her son, Omar.
*Note: “Infusing Love: A Mom’s View,” is a blog collection of personal opinions and a representation of individuals experiences. While extensive efforts are made to ensure accuracy of the content, the blog entries do not represent HFA or its Board of Directors. The blog is also not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or its Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers.
