HFA's Commitment to Anti-Racism

Hemophilia Federation of America acknowledges that our staff and the bleeding disorders community hold many identities and experience oppression and biases, including the very real impact of systemic racism and racial prejudice.
As an organization, we reject all forms of racism and vow to uphold an anti-racist culture. We recognize that it requires ongoing examination of conscious and unconscious bias and racism and a willingness to learn, improve and transform organizationally, and individually. Therefore, our Board, leadership and staff commit to:

  • Deepening our understanding of race and racism to gain a better understanding of ourselves;
  • Fostering a diverse workforce where staff, Board and leadership reflect the racial diversity of our community, and where equity and inclusion is embedded in our organizational values;
  • Creating a safe, supportive and equitable culture where we can openly discuss race and the impact it has on our organization and our lives;
  • Identifying, discussing and confronting issues of racism and its impact on our organization and community; and
  • Challenging ourselves to understand and correct inequities that we discover.

We proudly stand united in support of racial justice, equity, diversity and inclusion to strengthen our organization and the bleeding disorders community.
