Scholarship Recipient: Kayla Gregory

2023 HFA Medical Education Scholarship

University of California, Davis

I am planning to major in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and be a part of a Division 1 swimming program at University of California- Davis. in the fall. I thoroughly enjoy studying chemical processes and with biochemistry, I get to examine the chemistry of the world. After earning my undergraduate degree, I plan to attend medical school on the east coast specializing in hematology.

This scholarship is not just an enormous financial help for me, individually, it’s providing for the future of this incredible community by making it easier for one more hematologist to be created. I don’t consider my bleeding disorder a burden because it’s provided me with so much more. I’ve met my closest friends, found what I want to do with my life, and gained a new appreciation for my childhood. Finally, I want to express how grateful I am for the HFA for giving this opportunity to young students. Thank you.

