
Técnica Nia: Trabajando DENTRO trabajando FUERA

If you have been hanging out with HFA’s factor de ajuste  for very long, by now you know their motto, “healthy bodies bleed less”… and it’s TRUE!
Doctors specializing in bleeding disorders stress that consistent exercise can prevent or reduce bleeding by strengthening muscles and vulnerable joints for hemophiliacs of all ages.  In fact, whether you have a bleeding disorder, or not, healthy, active, moving bodies don’t just survive, they THRIVE physically, psychologically, neurologically, and emotionally!  Nia
The Nia Technique is a unique, cardiovascular-based movement practice that stimulates and conditions body, mind and spirit through its conscious engagement of 52 Moves, 9 Movement Forms (from the martial arts, dance and healing arts) and focused attention, not on only on the outcome of fitness, but the SENSATION of “functional fitness”.  Students are guided to “personalize” their movements toward what feels right for them, allowing each individual to ‘do it their way”.  Mindfulness, imagination, and expression, are interwoven for a holistic, integrative, body-mind experience that leaves participants feeling energized, happy, healthy and WHOLE!  And the BEST part?  Anyone can do it!  Whether old, or young; fit, or not-so-fit; man; woman; beginner, or seasoned athlete; Nia Technique will MOVE YOU!
3 Ways Nia Delivers Health to Your WHOLE Self:

  • Nia Provides Diverse, Multi-dimensional Movement and Energy Variety:  With movements stemming from the martial arts, dance, and healing arts AND 52 distinct movements that address every part of your body (from your feet, to your head, to the tips     of your fingers), Nia Technique delivers a systemic movement program that is functional, conditioning, and FUN!  Unlike other movement programs that rely on repetitive, joint-stressing, unnatural movement, Nia will have you moving in alignment with the design and function of your body….what we call “Your Body’s Way”…with fascination and self-discovery.

  • Nia Invites You to Go INSIDE for Maximum Results and Safety:  Nia Technique is ‘sensory-based’, conscious, and self-aware, inviting participants to make movement choices based on SENSATION, moving from the inside-out, rather than simply following the directions of the instructor.  This allows each student to personalize, self-direct, and self-pace movement for what is right for them at any given moment, making Nia the most accessible movement program on the planet!

  • Integration:  more than just ‘exercising’, Nia stimulates and activates body, mind, emotions, and spirit, utilizing functional movement, imagination, expression, play, and connection to self with the world around, allowing individuals to fully embrace the magnificence of their whole being.

Nia 2Intrigued?  Stay tuned to FitFactor, as I will follow up in the coming months with more on specific aspects of Nia Technique’s transformative tools for body and life enrichment. Lear more!
Find a Nia Technique classes near you.

Click here to read about Nia at HFA’s 2013 Symposium in Texas!
*Al igual que con cualquier actividad nueva, o si tiene problemas en las articulaciones o sangrado, asegúrese de consultar con su médico o terapeuta para asegurarse de que está listo para comenzar.
Jule A - headshotJule Aguirre, M.Ed., LPC, NCC, is a member of the International Nia Training Faculty as Black Belt Somatic Educator + Trainer.  Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Jule MOVES body-mind integrators, urban athletes & adventurers in wellness with her unique approach to blending conscious movement, body-mind awareness, and integrative psychotherapy to dynamically stimulate change and transformation through her trainings, classes, workshops and private sessions!
As a Licensed & Nationally Certified Psychotherapist, Jule’s gift is being able to integrate the wisdom of Nia with her counseling techniques to form an integrative, therapeutic program of wellness, healing & personal power for participants of her work.  Jule works privately with individuals seeking personal growth, self-actualization, transformation & integration of all parts of the self.
Jule was named in 2012 by ORIGIN Magazine as one of the TOP 124 people in the United States that INSPIRE!  juleinthelotus@me.com
**While extensive efforts are made to ensure accuracy of the content of each FitFactor post, these entries are not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or it’s Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers.

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