Budgeting 101: Building a Solid Financial Future

Budgeting 101 is a beginner’s guide to managing money. Do you want to learn about finances, making a budget, and find ways to earn more money? Debra Jacobs, Ed.M. and founder of Monday Smart for Life, is giving her last talk in a three-part series of financial webinars. Debra will teach you how to make a budget, set goals for your money, keep track of what you spend, and save money. She will also give ideas on how to make more money. This webinar will give a clear plan for making a budget, earning more money, and becoming financially stable and successful.


Nov 02 2023


8:00 pm - 9:00 pm

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  • Debra Jacobs
    Debra Jacobs

    Debra Jacobs is the founder of Money Smart for Life, a financial coaching business helping people overcome shame, fear and overwhelm around money and take action to master their personal finances. She has developed financial literacy curricula, taught classes to teens and adults, presented financial wellness workshops around the country, and worked with many clients to achieve positive, measurable results. She is also a published author and editor, and holds an Ed.M. from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education.

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