
Honoring All Moms, Past & Present

Infusing Love: A Mom's View - A blog dedicated to mothers of children with bleeding disorders.
Si yo hubiera sido el Matthew que mi madre esperaba dar a luz, mi vida habría sido astronómicamente diferente.
I was born right around the time the first factor concentrates to treat hemophilia were available for home use. Had I been born a male rather than a female, I probably would have been diagnosed with mild hemophilia at a much younger age. I suspect that factor would have been used for a “sprained” ankle or the bloody stubbed toes I experienced throughout my childhood. Given the time period, I would have almost certainly been exposed to factor that was contaminated with hepatitis or HIV. I have some guilt over that – was I spared merely because I was born a girl and the prevailing thought at the time was that females don’t have hemophilia? Why not me instead of the many wonderful people I’ve met in this community?
Since we have no family history and it appears that I am a spontaneous mutation, I didn’t grow up thinking much about the three H’s (hemophilia, hepatitis or HIV). My knowledge about each has come from within this community over the last ten years, and frankly, I have a lot more to learn. I thank my lucky stars everyday for safer treatments and I recognize and honor those fallen blood brothers and sisters who were co-infected. My son, and I, would not have access to safe products if not for the sacrifices over 10,000 families had to make. 
A veces veo una desconexión entre la generación más joven con hemofilia y aquellos que vivieron los días más oscuros de la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos. ¿Cuántas de nosotras, madres de niños más pequeños, conocemos realmente esa historia y los desafíos que enfrentaron nuestras compañeras madres? ¿Nos preguntamos siquiera sobre los días de lucha por la legislación de Ricky Ray? ¿Qué hemos aprendido de las mamás de la generación anterior y, lo que es más importante, cómo apoyamos y amamos a esas mamás hoy?
May is Hepatitis Awareness Month. May is also the month we celebrate Mother’s Day. How about we combine those and honor all moms of children with a bleeding disorder – no matter if your child is 2, 22, or 42 years old.
Join us Tuesday, May 14 at 8 PM (Eastern) for a special webinar dedicated to moms. We will celebrate the last 40 years of motherhood in the bleeding disorders community. Moms of kids ranging in age from toddler to adulthood, will share their experiences and talk about the similarities and differences moms of different generations faced. It’s sure to be a powerful evening.
Hacer clic AQUÍ to register. 
Sonji Wilkes nació y se crió en Carolina del Norte, donde durante la escuela secundaria desarrolló una apreciación por el voluntariado y el servicio comunitario. Se graduó Magna Cum Laude con una licenciatura en ciencias del comportamiento del Colegio Estatal Metropolitano de Denver en 2001. Sonji trabaja como voluntaria en la comunidad de trastornos hemorrágicos y fue seleccionada como voluntaria del año de la Fundación Nacional de Hemofilia en 2006. Sonji, su esposo Nathan y sus tres hijos: Nora (11), Thomas (9) y Natalie (7), residen actualmente en Colorado.
Note: “Infusing Love: A Mom’s View,” is a blog collection of personal opinions and a representation of one individual’s experience. While extensive efforts are taken to ensure the accuracy, the writers, nor HFA assumes no responsibility for the reflections of the writers own personal experiences. The blog entries do not represent HFA, it’s Board of Directors and is not intended to be construed as medical advice or the official opinion/position of HFA, its staff, or its Board of Directors. Readers are strongly encouraged to discuss their own medical treatment with their healthcare providers.

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